How Do Solar Lights Work? A Beginner’s Guide

Solar lights are a popular option for lighting nowadays. More people are adopting them than ever before. You are here probably because you use them or will buy one and are curious to know how do solar lights work.

Solar lights are like ordinary lights with few differences. The main difference is that they use energy gathered from sunlight instead of electricity from the grid.

Let’s dig deeper.

What Are The Components Used In Solar Lights?

Let’s learn about solar light components before learning how solar lights work. Solar lights use various components for different applications. But the main components used in solar lights are:

Photovoltaic Cells (Solar Panels)

A solar panel is a sheet of crystalline silicon attached to the top of your solar light. It acts as an engine of solar light. The function of solar panel is to convert sunlight into electrical charge. That electrical charge is transferred to batteries to power the solar light.


Batteries are the storage device of your solar lights. Solar panels convert the sunlight into electrical energy throughout the day. Batteries are used to store that energy for use at night.

Solar lights can use electricity directly from solar panels but without batteries, they won’t work at night.

Solar lights usually use three types of batteries. Nimh (nickel metal hydride), Lithium ion or Nicad (nickel cadmium). All of these batteries are great options for solar lights.

Charge Controller

This is the component that prevents batteries from overcharging. The solar panel keeps converting sunlight into electrical current throughout the day. This current is transferred into the batteries. Now, who will tell the system to stop charging if the batteries get fully charged? This is where the charge controller comes in. It prevents batteries from damage due to overcharging.

LEDs (Light Emitting Diode)

LEDs are the primary component of your solar lights. This is the component that glows when energy passes through them. Traditional lights use fluorescent, incandescent, and LED bulbs. Whereas solar lights use LED bulbs because they are energy-efficient and have a much longer life than other bulbs.


Sensors are optional components of solar lights. Different solar lights have different types of sensors. These sensors allow solar lights to perform various functions.

Like a light sensor that allows the solar light to turn on at night and turn off in the morning automatically by sensing outdoor light or a motion sensor that turns on the light when detects motion.

These sensors help in increasing solar light working time by only turning them on when needed.

How Does A Solar Light Work?

Now that you know the main components of solar lights and understand their functions. It will be easy for you to understand how solar lights work.

Generation of Electrical Current

The process starts when sunlight hits the surface of the solar light panel. Sunlight contains tiny particles called photons. These particles strike the electrons in the solar panel. The electrons excite and move from their position. The electrons flow and attract to the positive layer and other particles take their position. This cycle continues. Now the flow of these electrons is known as current.

This current is transferred through wires to the batteries.

Storage Of The Current

The current generated in solar panels is transferred to the batteries through wires. The batteries store the current to use at night. Batteries are charged throughout the day using sunlight and this stored energy is used to power the solar light when it’s needed.


When it gets dark the sensor in the solar lights (if there is one) measures the level of light and the current stored in the batteries flows into the LEDs making them glow.


Do Solar Lights Need Batteries?

Yes, solar lights require batteries to work at night. Sunlight charges the batteries throughout the day and that charge is used at night to power the lights.

Solar lights are already equipped with batteries so you don’t need to buy them.

How Long Do Solar Lights Work?

The majority of solar lights can last at least a full night. Some good quality solar lights can work for a couple of days. With sensors like light sensors and motion sensors, the solar light works only when needed and stays off most of the time. This allows the solar lights to keep working for many days.

Solar Lights Work Only On Sunlight Or Any Light?

Solar lights require direct sunlight to work properly. The solar light can work on artificial light and will charge the batteries but the charging will be very slow and the efficiency of the solar light panel will be reduced.

It is best to keep them under direct sunlight.

Do Solar Lights Work In Winter?

Yes, solar lights will work in winter but not as effectively as in summer. If solar lights get direct sunlight in winter, they will work better.

How Do Solar Lights Turn On at Night?

Solar lights can automatically turn on at night and turn off in the morning using a light sensor. When there is night time the sensor detects the light level and indicates the solar lights to turn on.

How Are Solar Lights Installed?

Solar lights are very easy to install. They don’t require wiring and connection to the grid. Solar lights can be installed on roofs or walls using mounts and screws. They can be installed on floors in gardens by pushing their rod into the ground.

Where Can I Install Solar Lights?

Solar lights can be installed anywhere under sunlight. They don’t require wiring. They can be installed on roofs, sheds, gardens, stairs, walls, etc.

Are Solar Lights Good For The Environment?

Yes, solar lights are a good option for the environment. They use renewable energy to work and don’t require a connection to the grid.

Do Solar Powered Lights Work Immediately After Installation?

Solar lights are precharged and can work immediately after installation. But it is better to charge them for a whole day before using them regularly.

How Do You Get Solar Lights to Work?

Just install your solar lights under sunlight and turn them on if there is an option. Solar lights can have a turn on/off option or they can work using sensors and turn on/off automatically.


I hope you found this information helpful. If you have any queries or suggestions for me then feel free to write in the comment section.

Thank you for reading

Hyder Ali is a writer from Pakistan who writes well researched articles on different topics. He has been writing on Medium and other platforms for a long time. He tries his best to write correct information and help his readers solve their problems.

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